
How to Choose The Right 3PL for your business

How to choose a 3PL thats right for you

There are many reasons why you may have started your business. You might have a product that you truly believe in, and want your customers to love. You may have created something that you know can make a difference. Or you may have seen a gap in the market and realised that you have the capacity to fill it.

Whatever your reasons were, you want to grow something that you’re proud of…

And how your business’ logistics operate is a crucial part of this.

But this can often be where many growing businesses find themselves getting stuck.

If you grow too quickly, you may feel like your orders are getting ahead of you. You can find you’re spending all your time picking, packing, and posting your products, and it’s starting to cut into the time you want to spend actually managing your business.


But perhaps you’re not quite ready to give up control yet, and you’re worried that you’ll run the risk of locking yourself into a contract with the wrong provider.
Or maybe you are with a third party logistics (3PL) provider, and you feel like they are letting you down with incorrect dispatches, missed orders, and unhappy customers.

The right 3PL partner empowers you to grow without limits.

They enable you to free up your time: you handle the sales and management, they take care of the stocking and distribution, taking any fluctuations in demand in their stride.

You’re able to save money on costly overheads, like rent and warehouse staff. Your 3PL partner provides you with a flexible space that grows as your business does—no more storing goods in your own home, and the added ability to withstand and accommodate sales and seasonal fluctuations.

Choosing the right 3PL partner can be difficult. But it doesn’t have to be.

Want a detailed guide on how to choose the right 3PL provider for your business? Click Here to download our free Guide.

But in the meantime, here’s a quick overview, so you can start thinking about your needs sooner.

What to look for in your 3PL partner

Choosing the right 3PL partner is critical in enabling stability and growth for your business. Here’s what to look for when trying to decide on the right 3PL for your business.


The right 3PL for your business will enable your growth, so it’s crucial that you partner with a team that can deliver to your specific needs. You need to make sure that they have the size and capacity to accommodate your business’ current stock and customer base, with room to scale in the future. They should offer a full range of services that your business needs, from 3PL warehousing, eCommerce fulfilment, and reverse logistics, through to more niche services like kitting, or personalised packaging.

The right price

A good 3PL partner will end up saving you money. But it’s not about finding the cheapest operator—there’s more to 3PL than just asking about price. While some 3PL providers may charge more, they may deliver a more comprehensive service, which delivers a better experience for you and your customers (and saves you a significant amount of money, time, stress, and refunds). A good 3PL partner will also be able to negotiate competitive transport rates, which enables you to offer better shipping options and prices to your customers.

Service integrations

Your 3PL partner should be able to streamline your sales system, simplifying the process so that you don’t have to do a thing. Their system should integrate seamlessly with your sales platform—no need to manually provide them with sales information or create labels yourself.

A good 3PL partner makes a strong investment in modern technology, and at minimum offers integration with popular ecommerce platforms like Shopify, Bigcommerce,and WooCommerce, and inventory management systems such as Cin7. They can help you update your technology as it evolves, so you’re always on the front foot, and able to take advantage of new ways to grow.


If a potential 3PL partner is quick to respond to any queries, then it’s a good indication that they’ll be easy to deal with long term.


You want a 3PL provider that empowers your business to grow. A good 3PL team acts as your logistics partner, and is able to tailor their services to suit your unique business needs.

So one of the key things to look into is flexibility. Do they offer set, rigid packages, or do they offer a tailored solution? A good 3PL service will scale as your business does, allowing you to only pay for the service, staff, and storage you need at that time.


Ultimately, you’ll end up thinking of your 3PL partner as another arm of your business. You’ll be able to put complete trust in them, safe in the knowledge that they’re working with your best interests in mind.

A trustworthy 3PL has nothing to hide, and you should be able to trust that they deliver on what they promise. So ask to see a merchant dashboard. This allows you to track the progress of your orders, and monitor the entire 3PL process from start to finish. Not that you should need to—but the option to do so provides peace of mind.

The right 3PL partner for your business will give you confidence that you’re still in control of your logistics. You still retain complete oversight over it, it’s just being managed by an external team.

Track record

You don’t want to find yourself locked into a contract with a team that ends up letting you down, costing you customers, and losing you business. So you should always take the time to fully vet any potential 3PL service.

A 3PL provider with a strong track record demonstrates that they’re reliable, and that you can put your trust in them to manage your logistics. Do they have a reputation as a business that delivers results? Or, if they’re a newer business, do they have the necessary industry experience to give you peace of mind that they’re suitable for your company?

Always check to see what their reputation is like in your industry. Ask around, look at testimonials, or do they have case studies you can read from businesses like yours?

Making the right call on your 3PL partner

Ultimately, the right 3PL for your business is the one that delivers on your needs and who you feel comfortable with. So it’s important to take your time and find the right 3PL partner: one that shares the same values as you, that you feel confident in trusting with your business growth.

Max Packer is here to help eCommerce brands of all types and sizes free up their time, save money, and take control of their business. So if you are tired of being let down by your current provider, or you’re just ready to take the headache and the hassle out of managing your logistics, get in touch with us today to discuss a 3PL solution for your business.



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